How to Deliver Advanced Face Recognition Video Analytics with Privacy Built In

In this  blog we delve into how advanced face recognition video analytics is transforming facilities management for football clubs, sports stadiums, and festivals. We also highlight the growing concerns about privacy and data security and how our Smart Safety Platform is designed to address.

Features of the Smart Safety Platform include:
  • Real-Time Face Identification

  • Watch List Management

  • Access Control

  • Profile Management

  • Historic Tracking

  • Search Features

  • Real-Time Event Alerts

Award Winning AI Face Recognition
How We Address Privacy Concerns

Our Smart Safety Platform offers a GDPR compliant Face Recognition Feature, adhering to stringent data protection standards that safeguard personal information to ensure user privacy.

Additionally, our Platform is Trusted Privacy ePrivacy compliant, which further emphasizes our dedication to maintaining privacy standards with ethical data handling practices. 

The platform’s award-winning performance is recognized by prestigious industry accolades, including the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) award for excellence in technological innovation and security, as well as the Visual Object Tracking (VOT) award, which highlights our advanced capabilities in accurate and responsible object recognition.

Privacy Features include
  • Privacy-First Design: Built with privacy and security at its core, ensuring that data is protected while providing powerful surveillance capabilities.
  • Data Anonymization: Includes features to anonymize data, ensuring that personal information is protected and complies with privacy laws.
Smart Safety Platform for Object and Anomaly Detection with real-time event alerts. This includes weapon detection
Enhanced Security Features include:
  • Customizable Access Rights: The Smart Safety Platform allows organizations to set customized access rights, ensuring only authorized personnel can view or manage certain data. 
  • Watch Lists for Enhanced Monitoring: Create watch lists for monitoring individuals of interest (e.g., known threats or VIPs). This feature helps organizations proactively manage security while maintaining compliance with privacy standards.
  • Automated Alerts and Notifications: Send real-time alerts and notifications based on predefined criteria, enhancing security measures: Removes the need for constant manual monitoring.
  • Recognize Multiple Faces across multiple camera streams in real-time.
  • Customize Reports for alerts, access, attendance, historical tracking etc.
  • Manage Profile ID’s: Easily create and manage profiles and watch lists using a photo, name, or type.
  • Captured Face and Historical Data: Track individuals with features like “captured face” and “historical captured face,” which link profiles to their historical movement across different cameras and locations.
  • Run Comprehensive Search: Perform face searches and find similar profiles by uploading a picture. The platform also includes a calendar view for historical attendance tracking.
  • Manage Access Control: Grant permanent or temporary access to profiles, based on a regular schedule or a one-time event. This feature is ideal for managing access rights dynamically.
  • Receive Alert Notifications: Receive instant alerts if someone without access permission attempts entry.
  • Custom set Notifications for profiles on watchlists, such as VIPs or flagged individuals, ensuring prompt action is taken. Alerts can be sent via email or SMS for quick response.
Organisations choose Remark for:
  • Real-Time Insights: Enabling organisations to make quick decisions with increased response times.
  • Accuracy and Efficiency: Advanced face recognition powered by AI-driven video analytics ensures high accuracy, even in complex environments.
  • Scalability: Processing large volumes of data at scale and speed increases public safety, from temporary outdoor festivals to large sports fixtures.
Face recognition
Smart Safety Platform Use Cases Include
  • Football Clubs and Spectator Sports:

    Used to manage access, track attendance, and identifying individuals of interest. In this instance our Face Recognition features are often paired with occupancy control and heat map visualizations, object detection and behavioral analytics with real-time event alerts.

  • Entertainment Venues and Festivals:

    Used to ensure a secure environment for guests, fans and visitors while offering a personalized experience for VIPs.

  • Corporate Offices

    Facility managers use our Face Recognition feature for access control to sensitive areas, monitor employee attendance, and maintain a secure workplace.

  • Museums and Public Galleries

    Working with Safety and Operational teams along with Facilities Management.

The Future of Face Recognition with Video Analytics

Integrating face recognition features into an organization’s video analytics is becoming common place, driven by the growing need to ensure the safety of individuals whilst using technology for a positive outcome.

As AI-driven video analytics evolves, face recognition will become more appealing, offering security teams, facility managers, corporate executives, and IT departments data-driven insights and predictive capabilities that enhance both security and operational efficiency. 

Moreover, with rising privacy concerns from end users and the general public, organizations have a duty of care to protect personal information. This duty is increasingly reflected in regulatory frameworks, such as data protection laws and privacy regulations, which demand solutions that prioritize data anonymization and adhere to stringent standards. By meeting these legal and ethical obligations, organizations can ensure that their use of face recognition technology advances security and efficiency whilst respecting individual privacy.

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